The Non-Proliferation Treaty and the nuclear Iranian issue: among the legal effectiveness and the political will


  • Edgard Junior Cuestas Zamora Universidad de San Buenaventura, Bogotá
  • Andrés Eduardo Martínez Cano Universidad de San Buenaventura, Bogotá


The second half of the 20th century brought up the adoption of a legal framework, which was designed to put a limitation on the State’s possession of nuclear weaponry. Nevertheless, the nuclear proliferation became a challenge to the maintenance of peace and international security, when several States, West historically foes, established nuclear programs. This article aims to examine the bargaining among Iran and the so-called P5+1 (Permanent Members of the Security Council plus Germany) from a perspective which combines legal and political assessments. It develops a rapprochement to normative framework, which outlaws the possession and use of nuclear weapons, as well as it makes a description of the regional agreements about nuclear issues. Jointly, it develops an analysis of the role of nuclear weapons in the State’s behavior, reviewing its proceed facing the legal prescriptions through an analysis of the Iranian nuclear issue, concluded with the recent agreement reached in Vienna. In conclusion, the aforementioned will demonstrate that the submission of a nuclear program to international verification standards depends on the political will of the State.


Nuclear weapons, Nuclear Non-Proliferation, Nuclear Risk Society, Iran