

Special issue sex/dissident: 25 years since the decriminalization of sodomy in Chile, and 51 years since the first homosexual protest.

NOMADÍAS CUIR/QUEER/KUIR. A political/sexual dissident speech to think about the south-south.

For more information, see the following link.

Literature as a space of reflection and resistance: the (de)constructed maternity in “Aguas abajo” by Marta Brunet


  • Silvia Carradori Universidad de Chile


Following the revisionism in a feminist key both of a part of the history of Chile and the literary production by Marta Brunet, it proposes an analysis of the maternal figure, presented in the tale “Aguas abajo”. This analysis is based on the concepts of Sex-Gender System, immortality of the Virgin Mary, kinship system and objectification of women. This has a double purpose: to display motherhood as a socially constructed status and to present the text of Brunet as a space of observation, reflection, and resistance. At the same time, we give relevance to some elements of the biography of the author and to some events of the history of Chile between the 19th and 20th centuries, in order to contextualize the analyzed tale within the framework of the development of the national State and the creation of the figure of the “madres de la patria” (mothers of the homeland), as well as to insert this analysis on the long road (perhaps yet to meet) of the Latin American female authors toward the right to belong to the cultural field.


Marta Brunet, maternity, gender, Chilean history