Partido de la revolución democrática: competencia, renovación y estatus de su liderazgo


  • Juan Pablo Navarrete Vela Universidad de La Ciénega del Estado de Michoacán de Ocampo


This article addresses the status of political leadership in the Democratic Revolution Party (PRD). It consists of four sections; the first presents a reflection on political parties, categories and classifications, the basis for articulating an empirical explanation on the PRD. The second section reviews the impact of Cuauhtemoc Cardenas and Andres Manuel López Obrador through a typology that distinguishes charismatic and administrative leaderships and these categories are located throughout five presidential elections in Mexico: 1988-2012. The third section analyzes the effects of the electoral competition between the PRD and Morena, due to the resignation of Lopez Obrador and his main founding leader, Cardenas. Finally, it analyzes the relief of the last national leaders in the party, in which the atmosphere of internal fragility and the indefinition of the political course stand out.